Barclay Hedge Award June 2022

The Digital Opportunities Class posted its 14th consecutive positive monthly return and was ranked 6th in the Barclay Hedge monthly performance ranks.

June performance and newsletter

Yields remain depressed however we were able to take advantage of the volatility more so than other months this year. We continue to add to the suite of products and evaluate additional exchanges that the algorithm can consider in its trading decisions. With the perpetual improvements to the system we remain as confident as ever that we can take advantage, in a risk neutral fashion, of any opportunities that the market presents and add to our 14 consecutive positive months in all market conditions.

May performance and newsletter

With the collapse of Terra and the extreme volatility we took an even more cautious approach to our risk parameters. Whilst the magnitude of opportunities of previous corrections didn’t eventuate we were able to trade 24/7 without incident and record 13 straight months of positive results.

Barclay Hedge Award

Despite challenging conditions, pleased to see the Digital Opportunities Class performing positively. This fund was ranked based on the data in BarclayHedge’s Managed Futures Database

April performance and newsletter

April marks the one year anniversary of our fund and we are very happy to have returned 55.87% to investors in the first year without a negative month. We want to thank our investors for trusting us with their capital in the early stages of the fund.