Digital Income Class
Digital Income Class
A unit class that provides exposure to our flagship income producing strategy
The Digital Income Class provides a market neutral investment in digital assets. The fund aims to generate returns for investors regardless of which direction Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) move in. The fund’s returns are generated by our team of traders and software engineers that drive the algorithm, which trades the volatility in the BTC and ETH futures markets. Each transaction is fully hedged. The more volatile the crypto market, the higher the returns the fund will typically generate.
This investment class appeals to investors that want an exposure to digital asset markets and a regular income stream (or the option of reinvested returns) without taking a directional position on BTC or ETH.
Key Benefits
- Returns generated independent of market direction in BTC and ETH.
- 24/7 supervision of the trading algorithm.
- Only one negative monthly return since inception more than 3.5 years ago.
- Performance fees only charged if returns are higher than the RBA cash rate.
- Returns re-invested or distributed quarterly.
- Redemptions and subscriptions processed monthly.
- Fund approved by ‘Australian Fund Monitors’.
- Easy online application via Olivia123.